Bite-Sized Reads

Short reads to draw parallels between financial advice and your everyday life

Insurance is exactly like fat loss!

Insurance is exactly like fat loss!

Ever tried losing fat and it just seems like no matter how you go about it, it just doesn’t go away. Have you ever considered your insurance portfolio is exactly the same? You buy and you buy but it never seems to solve your financial problems?

Much like my weight loss journey, I did not begin to lose weight until I tailored the plan to myself and my individual lifestyle. After joining the financial industry, I realised how much the two goals are alike.

Insurance is simply one of many financial tools available to us that serves a specific purpose: risk mitigation against the major disasters in our lives (such as death, disability and critical illnesses). But more often than not, people find themselves asking if they are paying too much or too little for their insurance.

Which is exactly why, a tailored solution is essential for you to solve the puzzle of financial planning.

In order for us to take a closer look at our finances and have a complete understanding, we either need to get brutally honest with ourselves or hire an external force to keep us in check. For weight loss, we will look for a dietician or a coach, while we turn to a financial advisor for our financial problems.

With an expert to help us, as well as strict adherence to the tailored plan, we can actually begin to start our journey towards financial freedom!

Types of Insurance Part 4

Health Insurance
Health Insurance (or more commonly referred to as a hospital plan) should be a cornerstone in our insurance portfolio. This is because Singapore’s medical bills are often exorbitant and cannot be completely covered by our Medisave account. Health insurance gets you increased coverage without forking out any cash. If you do choose to top up a certain amount, you can get up to 95% coverage for your medical bills.

Types of Insurance Part 3

Accident Insurance
Accident Insurance is a low cost alternative to term and life insurance for wealth protection, BUT only if the death or disability was caused by an accident. Additionally, accident plans often provide a reimbursement for any minor accidents that happen throughout the course of life. This ensures that you won’t have to worry about that visit to the GP or even the TCM.

Types of Insurance Part 2

Life Insurance
Life insurance is a policy that protects your wealth for your entire life. There has been a surge in popularity for limited pay life insurance as most do not wish to pay for their insurance for a long period of time, while maintaining a lifetime of coverage. Unlike term plans, life insurance plans often have a cash value tied to the policy. Upon surrendering of the plan, the policy owner will receive a lump sum of cash that often equals or is greater than what they initially put in.

Types of Insurance Part 1

Term Insurance
True to its namesake, term insurance simply provides coverage for a period (aka term). It is widely considered to be the most bang for your buck insurance simply because it has no cash value. It protects your wealth against:

1) Death
Death is an unfortunate event wherein a person dies (I know, crazy right?). When a person passes on, his responsibilities do not simply disappear. They are passed on to his loved ones. For instance, any debt a person carries when he is alive will be pushed onto his next-of-kin. Insurance then provides a sum to cover any existing debt as well as responsibilities. Generally, people are recommended to cover themselves for around 10 times of their annual income for death coverage.

2) Total and Permanent Disability
Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) is a condition where a person is unable to work due to injuries. This often involves not being able to use certain limbs or even loss of sight. Without the ability to work, a person will experience a loss of income. That is where the insurance pay out comes to play. It will serve to help the injured with his living expenses as well as any debt he may be servicing. Akin to death, coverage for TPD is recommended to stand at around 10 times of a person’s annual income.

3) Critical Illness
Critical Illness (CI) is any major illness such as cancer, heart attack or even stroke. In Singapore, the Life Insurance Association (LIA) has 37 clearly defined critical illnesses for which you can claim insurance for. Much like TPD insurance, CI insurance will pay out to cover any living expenses as well as debt. Unlike TPD insurance, however, there is a good chance that you will beat the critical illness and resume your working life. Therefore, you will need less CI coverage. It is recommended that you cover yourself for around 5 times your annual income for CI coverage.


Why Do I Need Insurance?

Would you go out in the rain without an umbrella? Most of us wouldn’t.
Would you buy Toto/4D despite the small chance of winning? Most of us would.
In the middle of that admittedly weird venn diagram lies insurance. Basically, it boils down to buying an umbrella in the off chance that it will rain. That is the essence of insurance. 
Insurance has many uses. It can protect your savings, it can ensure your loved ones never have to worry and it gives you a sense of security. 
In Singapore, we can categorise the insurances into two broad categories. Those on a reimbursement basis, and those on a payout basis. Accident and Hospital Plans often work on an reimbursement basis wherein they will cover any bills stemming from a hospital visit or even an accident. Term and Life plans often work on a payout basis, where they pay out a large sum of money in the event of any major life related disaster (e.g, death, disability and critical illnesses). 
At this point, most will be confused as to what kinds of insurance they need to purchase. To keep it brief, the most bang for your buck policies to have are your accident and hospital plans. “Aiya, got insurance can claim one” is a common phrase you will hear when you start to adult and that’s where the accident and hospital plans shine. 
In order to find out what else you require, you can always speak to a trusted financial adviser. If you don’t already have one, you can always click here to drop me a text to begin the conversation!